Health ailments and dis-ease are a result of inner disharmony. Our thoughts, our emotions, our beliefs and perceptions can secretly be throwing our health system out of balance and can eventually result in physical disease.
We offer biofeedback and frequency therapies that identify what is out of balance now, and then works to harmonize those energies/frequencies into a state of autonomic homeostasis.
Over time, these sessions empower the individual to better regulate their own physiological activities through greater awareness.
What's happens next?
You can be proactive with your health by identifying energetic patterns that are causing imbalance(s) (stressors) before they manifest into something more. Metahealing is about taking into consideration the holistic mind-body-spirit connection; going to the root causes and discovering why. Once we know why, then the true healing can begin.
Harmonize and Shift
Healthcare should not just be about addressing symptoms. Healthcare should be about assessing the causes and source of our ailments.
Parasites, bacteria, viruses all carry a frequency which is causing dis-coherence in your physical body. Our array of technologies can help. Learn more about this service here.
Our work involves whole mind-body-spirit treatment through the use of frequency, biofeedback, oxygen therapy, sound healing and nutritional wisdom. This combined with ancient tools such as Vedic Astrology and Hermetic wisdom fosters an innovative way to accelerate healing as well as spiritual evolution.
We offer ongoing holistic life coaching to help facilitate and guide your journey towards self-realization and total all-body health.
The future of medicine is Frequency and Awareness.