An astrological forecasting report which let you move back and forth, effortlessly, through time (looking back on special events can be as enlightening as looking forward).
Having a written report gives you a timeless artifact that you can always reference going forward when needed. Think of this report as a strategic planning document to help you anticipate the energies of the upcoming time period.
*This report is based in Western Astrology*
This report can come in 3, 6, and 12 month time periods. The cost is the same for digital reports.
Cost of a mailed printed report will vary depending on the duration chosen. Extra cost covers printing, shipping and handling.
Transit Astrology Report (Digital PDF)
- Coordinate systems include Geocentric, Heliocentric, and Right Ascension, including Geo or Helio Processed.
- Choose between either the Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac.
- Comprehensive Transits — select from a range of planets
- Major progressions and directions — eight forms of major progressions and directions are available: Secondary, Solar Arc, Degree-for-a-year, Naibod Arc, Ascendant Arc, Vertical Arc, Quotidian #1, Quotidian #2. The two available forms of minor progressions are: Minor and Tertiary. You can select major and minor progressions in the same report.
- Eclipse information — solar and lunar eclipse to natal aspects in a selectable orb.
- Optional house and sign ingresses — Transit to House, Transit to Sign, Major Progressed House, Major Progressed Sign, Minor Progressed House, or Minor Progressed Sign.